


美国的好餐厅中有超过一百万的餐厅,从统计上讲,它们不能全部成为赢家。他们中的一些甚至无法设法足够。但是根据Yelp的说法,其中至少100个非常非常好,现在我们知道哪些是感谢此列表在美国吃饭的前100名在2020年。在线评论网站如何确定哪些餐厅应该在这个非常精英名单上获得席位?不知道!出色地,一些主意。Says Yelp, “Yelp’s data science team pulled the top restaurants by ratings and number of reviews in 2019 across the U.S., with representation based on each place’s share of top-rated restaurants nationally, then curated the list with the expertise of our Community Managers around the country to finalize the rankings.” That could mean almost anything. I am choosing not to bring my personal (complicated) feelings about Yelp into the mix here, and instead am choosing to celebrate the fact that this is a list of 100 businesses across the nation that could probably use your support more than any chicken-sandwich-slinging national chain.

I’ve never had the privilege of eating at any of the restaurants that made the list, and have never heard of 99% of them, so I turn to you, our brilliant readers, for insight: Have any of you visited these restaurants, and was the food as good as I’m imagining it to be? And if you, like I, do not recognize any of the spots on the Top 100, which of your local joints would you like to see up there? Personally, I think it’s criminal that Brooklyn’s卡拉姆和巴尔的摩的尚未获得国家奖项,我敢肯定,大家都有同样热情的意见。
