今年,在快餐店中的赢家是Chick-fil-A,它以什么方式击败了亚军Panera Bread今日美国呼叫“舒适的边距。”(“Yeah, suck it, broccoli-cheddar soup bread bowls,” one of the Chick-fil-A cows subsequently taunted.) The report really can’t pile the praise on thick enough, lauding Chick-fil-A for its “superior customer satisfaction,” and food quality that “continues to rate higher than the competition.” (It maintains a “wide lead” over paltry poultry purveyor KFC.) This is more good news for Chick-fil-A, which is on pace to become America’s第三大快餐连锁店只有麦当劳和星巴克的背后。
在提供全方位服务的餐厅中,得克萨斯州的路屋(Texas Roadhouse)排在首位,这使我意识到我从未在德克萨斯州的豪宅中吃过。那太好了吗?它超过了去年的国王饼干桶,今年,它与Longhorn Steakhouse保持第二位。橄榄花园 - 众所周知强大的追随者- 第三名。Mazel Tov向所有获奖者。