在TGI星期五的世界中,应用程序不是您下载到手机上的东西,而是您在同样巨大的餐点之前订购的一盘东西。TGI Fridays的土豆皮开胃菜是如此传奇,他们有自己的杂货店冷冻版本和自己的袋装小吃:TGI Fridays Potakins薯片小吃零食。
这纽约邮报报告that in the lawsuit, the woman said “she purchased a bag of TGI Fridays Sour Cream and Onion Potato Skins from a Bronx bodega for $1.99, but claims that she wouldn’t have done so had she known the product didn’t contain real potato skins.” The suit states that under federal law, “a food is deemed misbranded if it is an imitation of another food but does not contain a label stating that it isn’t real.”
在相关新闻中,Flamin的Hot Cheetos实际上并没有着火。这个营养清单包括“脱水土豆”作为一种成分,而不是规定土豆的特定部分。到目前为止,TGI星期五尚未对诉讼做出回应。