商业内幕参观了弗吉尼亚州里士满的一家商店,发现了各种杂货的空货架:准备好的食物,乳制品,农产品,果汁和汤汤。1月初,我在洛杉矶也有类似的经历,在那里我附近的全部食物365被奇怪地介绍了。我很沮丧地在咖啡过道中找到完全空的货架。((But since I’m a Midwestern woman I just found some way to blame the inconvenience on myself.) Whole Foods says that its supplier of beans, grains, lentils, and rice has suddenly shuttered, and it might take the store months to find a new supplier. And due to unusual weather, its lettuce supply from California has been temporarily affected, too. But those two explanations don’t account for the many other understocked departments encountered by reporters and social media users alike.
一些Twitter用户指出,直到亚马逊买全食,他们的挫败感才对杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos),这类短缺永远不会成为问题。虽然我无法确认该指控是否完全准确,但每当少量罐装豆类时,我都对责备多巨人的责备。