在我3月中旬上一次塔吉特(Target)购物之旅中,我非常意识到,这可能是最后一次购物会在一段时间内看起来相对正常。其他所有人似乎都在以相同的想法来导航过道,只是随便随便补充一些必需品。We were all grabbing whatever we could get but trying to make it look like a normal shopping trip, nothing out of the ordinary, please don’t get too close to me, thank you, I’ll just sneak by you in the aisle here.
两个月后,我在烹饪中使用了完全零罐的绿色辣椒罐,主要是因为我认为我实际上并不那么喜欢它们。我们很幸运能在我们附近的几家商店进行出色的非接触式接送操作,因此在需要时可以使用新鲜农产品。我可以将辣椒添加到我的炒鸡蛋中,但我总是忘记这样做(或者我伸手去拿一罐贾第尼埃拉(Giardiniera))。For now, the chiles will sit stacked in my cabinet as a reminder of the strange psychology that can overtake someone who’s in a grocery store they’d prefer not to be in, wondering how far into the future this haul will need to last, wondering how long the shelves will stay this empty—but不是,显然,想知道在地球上谁需要许多罐装绿色辣椒。