U.K.继续在其肥胖问题上崩溃,如像公共卫生英国这样的组织建议每天有1600卡路里的限制对于平均成人饮食。该国也关注其最年轻的公民的健康状况BBC断言that “almost 60 percent more children in their last year of primary school are classified as ‘severely obese’ than in their first year, according to Public Health England figures for England and Wales,” suggesting that students’ weight problems worsen as they get older.
努力打击U.K.的健康恶化,BBC报告“卡通或虚构的人物,如Tony The Tiger和Milky Bar Kid,不再被用来促进不健康的食物,一群MPS说。”建议的禁令是建议列表的一部分,其中包括从超市结账领域的糖果,价格促销,垃圾食品的价格促销,以及不健康产品的青年联盟和体育俱乐部的品牌赞助。
是否仍有待观察到这项禁令。毕竟,像Toucan Sam一样的角色,幸运的精灵,并且由于预先生的早餐谷物在20世纪中期首次流行,那么地狱虎已经存在。虽然美国能够在大约20年前从卷烟促销等乔骆驼这样的漫画,但很难想象托尼老虎的时间终于来了。
Meanwhile, the U.K. government has “already introduced a sugar tax on fizzy drinks, but the MPs called on it to go further with ‘fiscal measures.’” The Department Of Health “said its plan to tackle childhood obesity was ‘the most ambitious in the world,’” and so far that certainly appears to be true.