正如我向这些感兴趣的政党建议的那样,如果您今天使用Google“披萨”和“振动器”,您可能会发现一些令人惊讶的东西(与您搜索过的所有其他时间不同,您已经搜索过“ Pizza”和“振动器”)。昨天发行了新闻稿,讲述了这个名为Rubgrub的神奇新装置。我们没有收到,但显然赫芬顿邮报做了:
“手淫虽然最终令人愉悦,但可能是一种剧烈的体育锻炼,在此过程中,一个人发挥了很多能量并燃烧许多卡路里。不可避免地,一旦有人达到高潮,他们就会感到昏昏欲睡和饥饿。” [公司副总裁Daryn]在新闻稿中说。“现在,为了享受您的星期六晚上,您所需要的只是rubgrub设备。快速单击按钮,下车并塞满。”
My boss Kevin Pang, being a responsible professional journalist, tried to ascertain the legitimacy of the press release, but we quickly found out that there was no way to do a search into RubGrub’s parent company, CamSoda, that wouldn’t likely end up in a meeting with HR. Needless to say, all of this stuff is NSFW. There is, however, this photo floating around Twitter:
去年,披萨小屋(Pizza Hut)尝试了馅饼上衣的类似装置,这鞋让您通过按下舌头上的按钮来订购披萨,但没有所有的性感。
现在,一旦您挂起rubgrub,高潮后的披萨将来自多米诺骨牌(So,30分钟内!)。Although, when asked about the press release, it was revealed that “Domino’s may be a little touchy about being connected to a sex toy—a company spokesperson told HuffPost the chain knows nothing about the RubGrub—but the device is able to order pizza from the chain because its API is public, Parker explained.” Other pizza chains are expected to eventually added to the uh, mix. God, everything sounds dirty with this thing.