我们这个时代的竞争很大:洋基与红袜队。Mothra与哥斯拉。泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)与凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)。And then, there are the really crap, petty rivalries that put even Taylor and Katy to shame: Like the current grudge match between Papa John’s founder John Schnatter and current CEO Steve Ritchie that somehow keeps churning out daily doses of petulance and vitriol, even as we wail and rend our garments and wish to the high heavens that Schnatter had never even thought of creating a pizza box with his face on it in the first place.
就在本周随着爸爸约翰的世界转变,您可能还记得Papa John的发表声明感谢其许多批评者将这条链条称为种族主义者。首席执行官Ritchie还发布了有关大修公司整体企业文化的漫长Twitter线索。Schnatter自然而然地躺下了这个,在他现在永久的假期中,在一些神话般的度假胜地中,在一个神话般的度假胜地中享用了至少两根朗姆酒和雨伞的热带饮料。
哈哈,他当然没有。相反,他写了一封信给他的加盟商在他的“ Truther”网站上,,,,Savepapajohns.com,说里奇“作为首席执行官的深度。”施纳特还说:“声称他在6月告诉公司董事会,里奇“需要去”和“他们同意我”,并希望他返回公司,说今日美国。在本周采访CNN钱,,,,Schnatter continued his rant, saying that he was being scapegoated for the company’s current dire financial straits: “You can’t blame everything on two comments,” referring to his statements regarding the NFL’s national anthem controversy and a racial slur he used during a marketing phone call, which resulted in施纳特辞去董事会主席。
奇怪没有人,爸爸约翰(Papa John's)已经发表了一份声明,称“指控“不真实和贬低”,将其描述为“一种自我服务的尝试,以分散自己的言语和行动对公司和我们的利益相关者的破坏性影响”,”CNN钱。