
新电影的演员摩天大楼本周正在进行脱口秀节目,导致有关Star Dwayne“ The Rock” Johnson及其与食物的关系的有趣启示。第一的,时尚报告,Neve Campbell, who plays Johnson’s wife in the movie, told Stephen Colbert that the actor was extremely inquisitive about what she would have for lunch: “Every time you go have a meal, you go and see him and he says, ‘What did you have?’ You say, ‘I had a salad.’ ‘What did you have in your salad?’ ‘Feta cheese.’ ‘What else?’ ‘Tomatoes.’ ‘What else?’ ‘Salmon.’ ‘How’d you have the salmon?’ It’s like the weirdest thing. He’s obsessed with other people’s food. It’s like porn for him.” It’s not like the Rock wasn’t also enjoying food himself, as Campbell reports that he has to eat about every two hours to maintain the massive physique he’s famous for.

也许我们都应该告诉岩石我们在吃什么!例如,我从当地面包店面包师米勒(Bakery Baker Miller)吃了一个培根 - 果仁嘴和姜饼饼。约翰逊可能会批准,第二天晚上他告诉科尔伯特为什么他非常爱华夫饼屋:“回到他像游牧民​​族一样生活时,在跳蚤市场上摔跤并用过汽车经销店,并制作他说,他每天在华夫饼屋吃了三场比赛,只有40美元。”作为华夫饼屋然后在Twitter上指出,“如果您每天3次和我们一起吃饭,就有可能看起来像Dwayne Johnson。”

坦率地说,另一个大片之旅就在四月的高跟鞋之后横冲直撞,Dwayne Johnson至少给我们一些值得期待的东西,不仅仅是以漫画为主题的。希望现在他正在吃一顿午餐,包括他想要的任何地狱。

