有时,食物趋势很快就会出现,以至于我离开房间去鼻子粉状时似乎发生了爆炸。去年夏天,Hard Seltzer是我最晚的启示。实际上,我不得不向这个网站咨询了解它的突然吸引力。到八月,我周围的每个人都选择了一个喜欢的品牌,最喜欢的品牌,而我仍然坐在场边,想知道为什么每个人都不只是像我这样的浆果lacroix添加伏特加酒。(我继续捍卫这种做法。)
Truly Hard Seltzer is a brand that has its fair share of diehards, and with a newly expanded suite of 16 different flavors, it’s time to decide which Truly is the winner, and which ones can be left behind in the cooler with all that rapidly melting ice. Summer is too short to waste on anything but the best beverages. So here are188betios下载从最糟糕到最佳的最终排名,在下次去杂货店(或酒类)商店时,请记住此列表。