每年在情人节那天,一堆新的,可恶心的,可能是红色的产品涌入了市场。今年,每个人似乎都在庆祝红色天鹅绒的存在,从奥利奥到罚款,完全稳定女主人的人。而且由于这是情人节,或者几乎是情人节,具体取决于您何时阅读本文,A.V.俱乐部决定以新闻,科学,永恒的浪漫和味觉测试视频的扩散来扼杀一些糖精的好处。这次,Marah Eakin和Katie Rife与精通食品的喜剧演员一起伊恩·卡梅尔(Ian Karmel),刚好在城里的人。Bathed in the kind of harsh, fluorescent office light that even Christian Grey couldn’t find sexy, the trio mowed down new, limited-edition Red Velvet Oreos, Red Velvet Hostess Cupcakes, and—for good measure—Chocodile Twinkies with a “cherry flavored” center. The results are as unromantic as you’d imagine, but all that really matters is the journey our hearts took that cold day. Happy Valentine’s Day, snack lovers.