

并不是不幸的自助餐厅事件不会发生,但是这里的后续作品似乎非常奇怪。田纳西州在门罗县(Monroe County)的麦迪逊维尔中学(Madisonville Middle School)最近报道了一些事件,其中发现了午餐食品中发现了马格特(Maggots):首先在格兰诺拉麦片,然后几天后在一些黑莓中。作为后续行动,指示学生们给自助餐厅员工写感恩的信,以推动积极性。

根据诺克斯维尔新闻前哨, when parents attempted to express concerns at a school board meeting after the maggot incidents, “school board members cut them off, saying the issue had ‘been addressed’ and it would not be discussed further because it was not on the school board agenda.” The board chairwoman then followed up by saying that the “the health department inspected the cafeteria and gave it a good rating and then reinspected it when another incident occurred.”

几天后,学生的父母转发了她女儿拍摄的照片新闻前哨,显示在教室白板上写的作业。董事会要求学生写信给自助餐厅工人的信件 - “使用描述性语言”,以说出学生的感谢。它写道:“我们正在努力变得积极。”

