科诺纳病毒日,没有什么比金枪鱼熔化更能打到点上。 维吉尼亚州参议员Mark Warner本周早些时候录入Instagram摄像头的视频中讲的智慧词,他刚用教学视频为近18 000名追随者制作了一个三明治大咬华纳参议员视频所吃的东西根本和定义上完全不是金枪鱼熔化。或至少不a好金枪鱼融化求你们自己找找
Obviously, the video is more than a little tongue-in-cheek, with Warner warning viewers that "Unless you're a professional chef, you may want to occasionally pause the video so you can keep up." He also notes that the sandwich is his "real specialty," with a parenthetical appearing on screen that defines "specialty" as "(Only thing I can make)." Warner proceeds to squeeze a river of mayo onto two pieces of white bread with some difficulty, daubs the mayo with a can's worth of Chicken of the Sea, then finishes with sliced medium cheddar ("I'm a two slice man") and sends the whole thing into the microwave for 30 seconds.死板送送乐于观看,但他第一次咬新微波三明治时所表现出的热心并非玩笑。爱是真实的,它把视频转换成相当引人入胜的现场报告
Merriam-Webster定义熔茄三明治有黑麦面包或你必须吐司三文治或番茄加咸比对口味和纹理,尽管两者都肯定能帮助提高参议员午餐水平取而代之的是,在最基本层次上,熔化不能算熔化,如果它起司不熔化,而我只是不知道 l'MVP5中30秒是否会大有助于熔化新桥切片,更不用说其中2秒参议院情报委员会副主席不想要一个略合职称和职级的三明治吗?
我想给视频它应得的功劳出现一些好的iMovie特效, 文本“Microwa华纳用全口润滑albacore表示:“我不能再让妻子和孩子吃这些了”。参议员 if you're looking to change你的家人 金枪鱼熔化,