
Ritz Tiktok帐户是混乱的代理人


照片Alex Tai/SOPA图像/Lightrocket((盖蒂图像

不相信你的一切 在互联网上阅读在应用程序上查看。@theritzcrackersofficial或Ritztok是一个Tiktok帐户,有15200名追随者,旨在传播有关Nabisco的Ritz Crackers and Curry and Curry and Curry to Z. Z. Ritz Gen. Ritz是一款美味的饼干,具有不错的美观和骄傲的传统的传统婚礼咸和甜,所以我不确定该品牌为什么使用其社交媒体平台来小贩大胆的谎言




每个人都知道,丽思尽管所有美味的黄油资产,但在结构完整性方面都是绝对的胡说八道。我不为此指责丽思;这只是将许多咸,片状层包装到每一个咬合中的成本。But it’s a fragile cracker, no question, and applying literally any pressure to a Ritz, much less trying to press it through the surface of a slice of cheese, is far less likely to leave you with cleanly cleaved cheese than a pile of salty cracker shards. There were some TikTok users who pointed this out; Ritz only responded by goading them into trying it themselves. A clever ploy to send gullible users to the store, demanding Ritz! I sort of love the gall!

我们必须在适当的地方给予信誉:丽兹找到了一种有趣的方式,可以用有趣的“ n”可疑的事实吸引群众。但是有时候,饼干只是一个饼干,而为什么它是这种方式设计的背后可能没有什么秘密。((一个fter all, isn’t the sharp, sturdy edge of a Wheat Thin a far more effective cheese-slicing tool?) So by all means, go have fun with TikTok—but if you’re following branded accounts, just know that they miiiiight sometimes stretch the truth to engage with their audience.
