作家乔纳森·考夫曼(Jonathan Kauffman)在他的书中记录了许多恐怖嬉皮食品:返回地面,longhairs和革命者如何改变我们的饮食方式。但在一篇新论文纽约客,考夫曼(Kauffman)专注于一种(幸运的是失败的)复古食品趋势:角色。该物质是巧克力的不良替代品,但以某种方式被吹捧为更健康的选择。正如考夫曼(Kauffman)诗意的那样:“在我们饮食苦难的巅峰时期,甚至比发芽三明治,水果皮革或全麦烤饼还要糟糕,那里有角豆,巧克力替代品,永远无法。”
Kauffman traces carob’s journey to the natural-health movement, from its appearance in health-food cookbooks from the ’20s and ’30s, to its peak in the 1970s, as its sweetness helped it invade the market that had turned on “the high fat content of chocolate confections and the bitterness of unsweetened cocoa powder.” All of that fell by the wayside when “chocoholics” in the ’80s brought their beloved favorite food back in to fashion, and carob was cast aside.