

塔科·贝尔(Taco Bell)的烤切达·查卢帕(Cheddar Chalupa)的文章图片是纯金
照片凯特·伯诺特(Kate Bernot)

乍一看,您本可以将塔科·贝尔(Taco Bell)的新烤切达·查卢帕(Cheddar Chalupa)带到电话“创新”中。从心爱的菜单项开始,添加奶酪。繁荣 - 汇报。但是,当咬住它的俗气,破碎的克里斯普外观时,我可以说:有时候,人生中最美丽的事物是最简单的。

新查卢帕9月12日在全国首次亮相,这是Taco Bell大型菜单的一部分,这也是不合时宜的凉爽牧场Doritos Locos Tacos的死亡介绍专门的素食部分。At the Taco Bell I visited, the new Chalupa’s arrival was heralded with proper fanfare: A big menu display and a new combo that pairs one Toasted Cheddar Chalupa with two crunchy tacos and a drink for $5 (at participating stores, some restrictions may apply, see store for details, forever and ever amen).


我订购了我的烤切达·查卢帕(Cheddar Chalupa)和标准的chalupa,因为我知道基于控制的研究是如何工作的。也许我在新批次被炸之前收到了最后的chalupa,因为我的标准是令人失望的:根本没有紧缩,只是一个悲伤的,可悲的,朴素的面团袖子。我以为我爱Chalupas。我的记忆使我失败了吗?随后,我咬了一口烤的切达干酪Chalupa和Chalupa类别完全赎回了自己

这Toasted Cheddar Chalupa’s exterior is encrusted with a layer of extra-crunchy cheese, reminiscent of the cheese discs produced when you’re broiling something and cheese drips onto the baking sheet or the satisfying frico of melted-hard cheese that sticks to the bottom of a delivery pizza box. The end of the cheddar Chalupa shattered when I bit it with a tempura-like crispiness, yet the rest of the shell held its form.


原始Chalupa的粉丝几乎可以肯定地拥有新的最爱:Cheddar版本在O.G.上有所改进。在质地和风味方面。这几乎足以让我忘记所有关于酷牧场的Doritos Loco Taco。
