

标题为“ Make Ram-Donàla寄生虫”的文章图片,最奇特的便宜晚餐可以买到

我吃过的第一个牡蛎蘑菇是从沙特王子的桌子废料中偷走的。I was teenager working a summer job in the business center of the New York Palace, one of the city’s most obscenely expensive hotels, where I took care of the printing and faxing needs of conference attendees, manic event planners, and, when they’d summon me from their penthouse suites, members of the world’s 1%. Those in the first two groups were often cordial and polite, as there was an unspoken understanding that we were all just working stiffs who had come to the hotel to do our jobs. That last group, though... it’s not fitting to describe their behavior as rude or nasty. Those words imply that they chose to interact with you as if you were a human being, and nothing about their behavior implied that they saw me or any of my coworkers as human. We were like furniture or potted plants: objects that simply took up space in the environment. I was told by one member of the prince’s security team that I was not to look at the prince or members of his entourage, nor was I to acknowledge them in any way. I was to be invisible. Twenty years later, I have not forgotten how that felt.


当他们终于离开时,我走到后面清理了他们。正如我所期望的那样,他们没有吃掉他们订购的所有食物,但是他们咬了每一盘子,就好像要自称自己一样。And in that moment, thinking about all the New Yorkers who’d be going to bed hungry while I threw leftover lamb chops in the trash, I learned that I was not above eating a Saudi prince’s half-eaten whiskey-glazed hanger steak served on a bed of seared oyster mushrooms. I ate it with my hands, because utensils were for people with dignity, and I had already been stripped of mine.


我并不感到惊讶寄生虫赢得了今年的奥斯卡最佳影片,因为自发布以来,我认识的每个人(包括我自己)都会随着信用额的滚动而喘不过气来。这不是一部恐怖电影,至少在传统意义上不是。它激发了某种类型的恐惧,对于许多观众而言,当公园家族的管家被告知准备一碗“ Ram-Don”时,这种恐惧的震惊。拉姆·唐(Ram-Don)是拉面和乌冬面(Ramen and Udon)的港口,这是一种流行的韩国菜肴Jjapaguri的美国化翻译。使这道菜很重要的是什么:jjapaguri只是两个便宜的瞬间面条品牌 - 特别是,特别是查帕吉蒂Neoguri- 在同一个锅中一起烹制。这是(为什么要讽刺的话?)“穷人的食物”。尽管寄生虫’s wealthy Mr. and Mrs. Park might indulge their young son by allowing him to enjoy a dish from the South Korean zeitgeist, they also insist on a version that’s fit for someone of his social class, instructing the housekeeper to add cubes of seared Hanwoo beef, one of the most rare and expensive meats in the world, which the Parks just happen to have sitting in their fridge as if it were lunch meat. Even for most financially comfortable Koreans, Hanwoo steak is meant for a special occasion. For the top 1% of the 1%, it’s just there, like furniture. (And however brilliantly寄生虫说明财富差距,是这里更糟比在首尔。)

尽管我负担得起Chapagetti和Neoguri的负担,以及驱使我到携带它们的郊区H Mart的汽车,但我负担不起我的Ram-Don的昂贵牛排。为此,我买了一个不错的肋眼,很好地烤了它,然后只用几片切成几片,这样我就可以伸出其余的,以喂养我家中的其他四个人。尽管这不是电影中描绘的菜的方式,但我添加了一堆牡蛎蘑菇,因为即使它们在H Mart上很便宜,对我来说,他们总是会感到昂贵。

标题为“ Make Ram-Donàla寄生虫”的文章图片,最奇特的便宜晚餐可以买到
照片艾莉森·罗比克利(Allison Robicelli)


  • 1包Chapagetti Instant Noodles
  • 1包Neoguri Instant Noodles
  • 1牛排,您最昂贵的负担
  • 1/2杯牡蛎蘑菇,修剪
  • 1个葱




