当人们问我要我想要的死餐时,我问他们:“我做了什么?”然后他们说:“没关系,只要回答这个问题。”我想,“好吧,对我来说很重要!什么,我看起来像是要在你愚蠢的白痴脸上刺你吗?”然后,经过一分钟的一分钟直接凝视着他们的眼睛的黑色,我跟进:“骨头肋眼,中等稀有,一杯冰冷的樱桃焦炭零,还有两打烤蛤lam,额外的盘子柠檬。”I love and have been loved by so many foods in my life that there’s no way I could ever pick a favorite, but I know that if I’m in a place where there’s baked clams on the menu, I will order them 100% of the time. And that includes when I’m on death row for reasons that, apparently, don’t matter...直到他们这样做。
这道菜很简单,但是它可以使您可以与朋友分享足够的部分,以便在周中休闲。I enjoy serving it with lots of fresh lemon, a nice shaving of aged Manchego, and a delicate green salad tossed with a zippy lemon vinaigrette that may or may not be laced with rat poison, since that’s much more polite than stabbing someone in their stupid, moron face. You really shouldn’t do that sort of thing when you have company over.
- 1/2磅培根
- 1个小洋葱,切成188bet casino丁
- 6个大丁香大蒜,切碎
- 1个小红甜椒,切成丁
- 1/2杯干白葡萄酒
- 3罐蛤
- 2瓶蛤汁
- 1茶匙热红辣椒
- 2茶匙。盐
- 5杯panko面包屑
- 1/4杯切碎的欧芹,加上额外的装饰
- 1/4杯剃光的Manchego,再加上额外的服务
- 皮的皮和果汁1个大柠檬,再加上两个柠檬,切成碎片,用于食用
Use kitchen scissors to cut all but two slices of the bacon into 1" pieces, and cook them in a cast iron skillet over high heat until they’re ultra crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon and place in a large bowl. Drain the excess bacon fat from the skillet and reserve to use another day.
将洋葱,大蒜和2188bet casino/3丁的红辣椒加入煎锅中,炒2-3分钟,直到变软。用白葡萄酒将煎锅涂上煎锅,然后用培根将整个Shebang倒入碗中。然后将其余的成分添加到碗中,然后将其与木勺充分混合,直到完全混合在一起,但不会太多,以至于它变得稠密且潮湿。将混合物放回煎锅中,均匀分布,然后在350度烤箱中烘烤25分钟。