这种食谱发生了,因为我开始思考我想如何吃一个印度煎蛋三明治 - 您可能会熟悉YouTube或tiktok-但是我还想吃即时拉面,和烤奶酪三明治,和几汤匙神圣的辣椒辣椒酥脆直接从罐子里出来。而且,看到我是一个惊人,,,,巧妙和(传闻)诺贝尔奖-提名食谱开发人员,我决定同时可以同时拥有所有这四件事。所以我做到了,现在您也可以。这是一个俗气,尤其的三明治,拉面作为面包。只是不要在床上吃这个三明治,因为辣椒酥脆的床单并不像樱桃馅饼那样容易出来。我很难学到这一点,但是作为一个创意,我知道我必须为自己的工作而受苦。
Once you’ve got the ramen squares placed on the egg layer, cook for 1-2 minutes until the eggs are mostly set, then brush the tops of the ramen squares with a bit more chili oil and flip the whole thing over (see it at 1:23 in the video above). Use a slotted spoon to scoop up as much chili crisp from the jar as you think you can handle, smear it on top of the eggs, then cover each side of the egg surface with a slice of American cheese. Using a spatula, fold in the draping edges of cooked egg so they’re sitting on top of the ramen halves, then fold the ramen over onto itself, closing it up like a book to form a sandwich. Remove from heat and let it sit for about two minutes to set, then eat immediately.