希伯来学年结束后,Shavuot的犹太人假期是在春末或初夏。(今年从5月16日(星期日)的日落开始。since our Tu B’Shevat seders had a habit of devolving into massive food fights. (Hey, it happens when you give a bunch of bored, squirmy kids plates of figs and dates and other fruit that make great projectiles.)
So it wasn’t until I was in college that I learned that Shavuot, which started off as a wheat harvest festival and now commemorates the revelation of the Torah at Mount Sinai, is traditionally celebrated with two of the things I like best: all-night bullshit sessions and cheesecake. Okay, technically it’s an all-night学习会议,但是早上从来没有考试或应有的纸张。Instead it’s a night of analysis and debate and shared inquiry—over a passage of Torah, it’s true, not the mystifying behavior of some dude or whether a circle is really a straight line (a favored recurring subject among my group of college friends), but more importantly, a good study session is about how to live, and on the night of Shavuot, the Jewish mystics believed, the heavens are wide open.
无论如何,我没有拒绝好芝士蛋糕。我的祖母厨师不多,我敢肯定,她一生中从未庆祝过Shavuot,但她经历了四个很棒的食谱,其中一个是芝士蛋糕。根据家庭传说,她从很多年前就从安·兰德斯(Ann Landers)专栏中窃取了它,但我们现在声称它是我们的。它比经典的纽约芝士蛋糕要烘烤一点柔软,更甜,也许是因为我们(和安·兰德斯)都是中西部人。本着这种精神,即使您不是犹太人,也不做Shavuot,我也会给您。我个人通常要求我的生日。
- 1½杯碎的谷物饼干屑
- 6汤匙。牛油
- 3(8盎司)在室温下包装奶油奶酪
- 2杯糖,分裂
- 4个鸡蛋
- 6茶匙。香草,分裂
- ½品脱酸奶油
预热烤箱至375华氏度。用中火在炉子上的一个锅中,将黄油融化,然后将其与Graham Cracker碎屑混合以形成外壳。使用混合物在弹簧锅的底部和侧面排列。