所讨论的违反IOT的咖啡机是由更聪明这是一家英国公司,该公司根据其网站生产“实用,方便,可持续性且旨在为您服务的厨房产品。”五年前互联网安全公司能够在Smarter的Electric Kettle中揭露一个缺陷,这有可能使黑客渗透到所有者的家庭网络,这将使他们可以访问与该网络连接的所有其他设备。该公司还发现了严重的固件问题,这为黑客打开了大门,可以自己代替Smarter安装的固件。
Smarter在2018年发布的新电动水壶和咖啡机修复了旧型号中存在的安全缺陷,但该公司从未通知其客户有关该缺陷的信息,并且数据表明这些设备的较旧版本仍在使用中。因此,作为一个“思想实验”,互联网安全研究员马丁·哈隆(Martin Hron)入侵了一个更聪明的咖啡机,用勒索软件感染了它,确切地分享了他的做法为他公司的博客。我敢肯定,这一切都不会出现!
If you’re not ready to give Bulgarian hackers your social security number just to get your morning coffee, there is some good news: the only way this particular attack can work is if a hacker is within range of the Wi-Fi network it’s connected to, meaning that if your coffee maker attempts to extort you for millions of dollars, the likely culprit is either one of your neighbors, or whoever is in the unmarked van parked outside your house.
But, as always happens when we’re discussing tech, that bit of good news is immediately followed my more terrifying news: Hron believes that if a hacker really wanted it bad enough, they could program the Smarter coffee maker to attack the router and any devices connected to the network: computers, security systems, Alexa, Roombas... any “smart” thing in your house could be controlled from the outside without your knowledge.