毫无阵线据称杀死蛋黄酱现在他们正在杀死番茄酱。或者,最重要的是隐藏谷牧场制造商Clorox Co.现在已经在其调味竞争对手上宣布自己胜利。它声称,70%的牧场使用现在发生在沙拉碗的范围之外,它有-re-sacrébleu! - 作为水牛翅膀的首选伴侣的蓝芝士。
Although IRI, the analytics group that tracks such things, declines to classify ranch as a condiment—it’s still officially a salad dressing, thank you very much—it also reports that ketchup sales have been flat over the past few months while ranch continues to grow. According to IRI, ketchup is now a $833 million retail business. Through some strategic number-juggling, Hidden Valley has managed to suggest that ranch is close to $1 billion. It also continues to轰炸世界有特技像国家牧场穿衣日,并为牧场味的流行馅饼竞选。(但是,这是St. Louis Restaurant的事实扭曲的牧场独立于隐藏谷的影响而发展。)