

A few years ago, I was sent by a magazine to spend two days at an Indiana prison to write about food—what’s served in the cafeteria, how inmates improvise dishes from commissary snacks, and the larger question of what happens when you lose the freedom to choose what and when you eat? (The story was published in the now-defunct幸运的桃子, 但虚荣博览会在这里发布了摘录。是的,膝盖的反应是,囚犯违反了社会法律,如果他们失去意大利面条和肉球特权,他们会糟透了。但是,如果您看到微不足道的无味的斜坡被喂给这些囚犯,如果您认为被喂养不足的人会助长有害行为,那么您会意识到这是一个细微而复杂的问题,没有简单的答案。

否则会遇到犯罪印迹的故事纽约邮报, about an escaped inmate in Texas who momentarily left prison to bring back contraband, I can’t help but to empathize on one detail: That amongst the booze and tobacco brought back, the inmate was also caught with “a large amount of home-cooked food.”


根据杰斐逊县警长部门1月25日,25岁的约书亚·汉森(Joshua Hansen)于1月25日逃过了博蒙特(Beaumont)的联邦监狱的后部,越过私人财产,那里的车辆早些时候掉了一个大型行李袋。汉森(Hansen)被发现取回这个行李袋,其中包含三瓶白兰地,一瓶威士忌,各种零食食品,以及香肠,鸡肉,金枪鱼,蔬菜和米饭。我们自由公民很容易理所当然,但是人们会花的时间煮熟的餐点,尤其是在您多年以来没有一顿饭菜时,这真是令人震惊。