

振作起来:食客洛杉矶在洛杉矶一些流行的快餐景点,在驾车道路上发表了长长的汽车的无人机照片,这些图像令人着迷,但几乎是内在的不愉快的。从Krispy Kreme到饲养甘蔗,好莱坞到Gardena,每个场景都描绘了有序的,圆锥形的单向车辆鼠巢。

I lived in Los Angeles near one of the city’s most popular In-N-Out Burger locations well before any pandemic, and I can attest that, whether ordering at the counter or the drive-thru, you were never In-N-Out in under 40 minutes. Hell, even Randy’s Donuts is a half-hour ordeal at the best of times. I can only imagine how much longer it’s taking now. No burger or fritter in the world is this good, is it?

坦白说,我不可能因为他们的快餐热情而击败洛杉矶的居民。在2014年关闭之前,这是我的夏季仪式,可以在Belded Chicago Institution Hot Doug's中度过几个小时。When the weather forecast was good, I’d pick up an iced coffee just before 8 a.m., walk the two miles to the hot dog emporium, and grab a spot near the front of the ever growing line until it opened at 10 a.m. (or maybe 10:30?). There was true camaraderie in the waiting: you’d ask, and be asked, if it was a first-time visit, and whether today’s order might include the duck fat fries. I had a friend who always brought Yahtzee dice and we’d play right on the pavement until our butts fell asleep. The hot dogs were an occasion, and the anticipation was a key part of the proceedings.


我想,如果您与室友或其他重要的其他人前往La Drive-thru,这是相同的原则。当您排队向前时,您可以爆炸音乐,在手机上玩游戏,甚至邀请狗一起骑行 -食者甚至拍摄了几个精明的客户,在他们的仪表板上播放Nintendo Switch。“在一起但分开”是黄金法则,一个包装的快餐停车场可能是我们新常态的形象。

作为食者指出:“无论是大流行,汽车用餐是加利福尼亚的传统 - 正如这些长达一个小时的线条所示,不太可能很快就会消失。”