根据NPR的报道, in Philadelphia, a city where street parking is already at a premium at the best of times, more than 400 restaurants are participating in a city program that allows them to use parking spaces as patio extensions, and the expected onslaught of complaints hasn’t yet materialized. As written by NPR:
“只要问兰迪·鲁克(Randy Rucker),兰迪·鲁克(Randy Rucker)在东帕西南大街(East Passyunk Ave)两次都在河流中。餐厅在街上放了桌子,在街上,在每个停车位都珍贵的社区中,餐厅在街上挤进了四辆汽车。
尽管NPR的故事仅研究费城,但值得注意的是,在纽约等人口稠密的城市中,户外座位的需求更加极端。根据纽约“开放餐厅”数据库,目前有10,000多家餐厅正在运营,但只有大约5,400个餐厅使用街道座位,人行道座位或两家组合。Given that outdoor seating is a factor that can make or break a restaurant’s ability to stay open, it’s safe to say that we can expect outdoor seating numbers to expand in the coming months, taking away additional parking spaces during a time when the comforts of a warm, dry, socially distanced car might seem particularly compelling. Hopefully as the months wear on drivers will remain calm, and restaurants will be able to eke out as much space as they can.