一个名叫的网站绿色让您的良心购物更容易。Greenchoice的创始人Galen Karlan-Mason,越来越多的消费者想要做出健康的选择并以美元投票,但他们不知道从哪里开始或信任什么。”告诉快速公司。GreenChoice允许客户设置参数(特殊饮食,食物过敏和“价值”,或对环境和营养的担忧),然后该网站显示了特定产品在其中的适合程度。Oreo cookies, for example, have a low water and carbon footprint, which is good if you’re worried about the environment, but they’re also highly processed, not very nutritious, and contain riboflavin vitamin B2, which is toxic if consumed at high volume. They also contain six allergens and five “ingredients of concern” (including palm oil and caffeine), but they’re all good for vegetarians and pescatarians. Whoo-hoo!
绿色, as its name indicates, is mostly concerned with the environment, not politics, so you’ll have to look elsewhere if you’re concerned about, say, not supporting a company that invests in countries with human rights violations or donates to candidates whose platforms you find disgusting. It also works exclusively with Target, Walgreens, and Walmart, so if you’ve vowed to only buy local, it will only help you with research, not shopping. And it focuses mostly on shelf-stable items, so if you’re looking for, say, yogurt, you’re out of luck. Still, it’s a useful tool for busy people who don’t have time to look up every ingredient of every granola bar.