Ever since the pie-ologists at Pizza Hut Labs took a closer look at their product’s crust and thought “I bet we could fit cheese in there,” fast-food joints have been seeking to improve their fare through the fine art of piling and cramming. Slap on a sauce, inject some goop, layer in some bacon, and presto: That burger or taco that’s been sitting on your menu for decades is an entirely new foodstuff, ready for its own commercial and an enticing picture in the front window.
For example, Taco Bell is now selling what it calls a “Beefy Crunch Burrito,” which consists of the restaurant’s usual seasoned ground meat-like substance, along with rice, sour cream, nacho cheese sauce, and—to kick it up—a handful of Flamin’ Hot Fritos. Which raises a couple of questions:
1.这似乎不是最懒惰的产品升级吗?塔科贝尔(Taco Bell)菜单上已经有类似的墨西哥卷饼:火山墨西哥卷饼,其中包含两倍的肉,切碎的奶酪,辣酱和薄玉米饼。从本质上讲,肥胖的紧缩墨西哥卷饼用更多加工的墨西哥卷饼代替了火山的准自然成分。构思上的草率很草率,好像有些炸玉米饼贝尔买家在订单表格上检查了错误的盒子,现在有成千上万的弗里托斯箱可以卸载。(当然,该公司可能只是领先于曲线,而“只需扔一些弗里托斯”将取代“只要加培根”,因为快餐店试图增加价值而不花钱的方式。)
2.如果人们真的想吃一个充满辣肉,熔融奶酪和玉米片的玉米饼,我会将它们引导到Sonic的小弗里托斯辣椒奶酪包裹,这更便宜且较小 - 后一点很重要,因为任何给定的人都应该消耗太多“ frito-pie包装”。
除了创造力和价值之外,肥胖的紧缩墨西哥卷饼的味道如何?老实说,没有芯片,这可能还可以,这不会增加香料,但确实会给墨西哥卷饼带来令人不愉快的质地。对于最近关于塔科·贝尔(Taco Bell)的填充物“牛肉”,这些东西的味道确实很好,当与玉米饼奶酪,酸奶油和米饭结合使用时,它会产生温暖,柔软,温和的风味,类似食物的体验。但是弗里托斯有损。我现在在两次不同的场合尝试过BCB,两次,芯片都感觉陈旧而橡胶,几乎就像大的格里斯特(Gristle)一样。
这里更大的问题是塔科·贝尔(Taco Bell)继续坚持将柔软的物品包裹在松脆的物品上。他们以丑陋的“ Crunchwrap Supreme”和“使用Refried Bean将面粉玉米饼粘合到炸玉米饼壳”概念上的其他无数变化来完成。I sometimes wonder whether the nutritionists in the Taco Bell product-development department keep lists of their ingredients in one of those tri-level children’s books, where kids can turn the pages in the right combination and put an astronaut’s head on a policeman’s body with a fisherman’s boots.
也许从那以后炸玉米饼钟在厨房中只有大约九种成分,将它们以共同的开胃方式将它们放在一起时感到无聊。也许这就是为什么一半时间,当我订购Taco Bell的限时特色物品之一时,它带有菜单上未显示的成分,例如意外的GUAC或少数切碎的番茄。一旦员工开始将不兼容的物品拍打在一起,就很难停止。
(I will say that the Beefy Crunch Burrito bests the other new item on the Taco Bell menu, the Quad Steak Burrito, which heaps a massive portion of the restaurant’s dry, microwave-y “steak” into a tortilla with rice, shredded cheese, sour cream, and an indistinctly acidic sauce they’re calling “fire-roasted salsa.” Taco Bell’s steak may contain more beef than its ground beef, but honestly, the oat-enhanced taco meat tastes better, and feels more like actual meat.)
与此同时,在汉堡王(Burger King)杜莫伊斯is the “BK Stuffed Steakhouse,” described thusly on the restaurant’s website: “Take a flame-broiled patty, stuff it with jalapeños and cheddar cheese on the inside, top that with spicy poblano sauce, ripe tomato and crisp iceberg lettuce, and somehow fit it all on a toasted, corn-dusted bun.” (It’s the “somehow” that scares me a little.)
在我看来,汉堡王的Whopper是最好的快餐汉堡之一 - 至少在便宜,无所不在的连锁店中。Whopper的馅饼薄而不明显,贡献了适量的烤制,肉味的味道,给三明治慷慨,当我等待桌子时,我们用来称为“花园”。Whopper有一个好的花园:浓稠的西红柿,酥脆的生菜,切成薄片的洋葱。188bet casino如果我在旅途中,我必须选择快餐,我经常选择一个人,因为我至少知道它会为我提供一些蔬菜。(Wendy's在汉堡方面是紧密的第二名;它的单曲也有一个好的花园。但是,如果我在温迪(Wendy),我几乎总是得到一个辛辣的鸡肉三明治,因为来吧。)
不过,最近,汉堡王一直在强调其“牛排馆”的额外汉堡线,每次我吃其中一个时,我都会发现肉本身的缺陷太暴露了。汉堡具有海绵状的质地,并泄漏了像死亡率一样味道的汁液。(每次我咬人时,我都会想象一下小丑拍摄krusty汉堡广告并感到恐慌,因为他认为他吞下了一些招牌三明治。)我倾向于快速吃牛排汉堡,纯粹是为了维持牛排汉堡。为什么我要继续吃它们?Because sometimes I’m traveling and my choices are limited, but also because Burger King keeps varying the toppings on its Steakhouse burgers, and I keep thinking that one day it’ll come up with a combination that’ll help me forget that the burger itself is so sucky.
好吧,女士们,先生们,我在这里告诉你,BK确实做到了。I wouldn’t call the BK Stuffed Steakhouse “delicious” exactly, but it’s the tastiest Steakhouse I’ve come across, and different enough from most fast-food burgers on the market that I could see myself actually craving one from time to time (as long as it stays on the menu, anyway). I have my qualms about the pinkish poblano sauce, if only because I’m half convinced that most fast-food specialty sauces are concocted out of a quick whip of ketchup, mayonnaise, and a random assortment of dried spices. But the chunks of cheese and jalapeno in the Steakhouse patty have a positive effect on the taste, supplementing the usual industrial gray flavor with actual zing. It’s not real food, but it’ll do.
让我们希望塔科·贝尔(Taco Bell)不要买汉堡王,否则我们可以期待不可避免的松脆塞满牛排馆,在两个面包之间搭配。此后一个月:培根脆脆的馅牛排屋,穿着渔夫的靴子。