昨天,邓肯’宣布添加椰奶在新闻稿中。根据新闻稿,椰奶将于4月28日从明天开始在全国范围内的邓肯的地点上市。发射还包括一些新的夏季饮料,包括新的椰子冰咖啡杯和三个柔和颜色的Dunkin’Cococonut’Cococonut Refreshers。被描述为“完美的接送点”,Dunkin’'Coconut Refreshers实际上并不包含任何咖啡。取而代之的是,它们结合了椰奶,调味果浓缩液和快速注射B族维生素。它们有三种口味:粉红色的草莓,金桃和紫色石榴。
If you’d rather not drink a bright purple beverage at 9 a.m., you can opt for Dunkin’s new Coconutmilk Iced Latte, which delivers “a delicious blend of roasted espresso notes and subtly sweet, nutty coconut for a refreshing new sip” that offers “a fun, tropical twist and just the right amount of sweetness.” Sure does sound summery. I’ve actually never had coconut milk in my coffee, but it seems like a solid option if you’re looking for a richer, sweeter beverage to kick off your day. Either way, we’ll keep our finger on the Dunkin’ milk alternatives pulse. Almond, oat, and coconut milks are all great—but猪的牛奶真的是什么。