
MTN DEW宣布第一份食谱,世界将会完全改变

标题为MTN DEW宣布第一食谱的文章图片,世界将会完全改变

今天是美食史史上的历史日子。在2020年11月10日,随着MTN DEW正式宣布其第一本食谱的那天,将永远被记住。现在,美国人(以及全球英语的美国人)将能够将鲜艳的绿色碳酸饮料纳入每餐,从早餐到餐后鸡尾酒。确实,我们生活在奇迹般的时代。

MTN DEW食谱的大胆大胆书籍下周在网上专门发售露点商店,正好赶上感恩节。(适当地,食谱包含MTN露水灌木土耳其和MTN露点橙色和蔓越莓火鸡酱的食谱。)它的价格为30美元,如果您考虑到它,这是80年的集体知识存储库的一种讨价还价和美国专有技术。

对于MTN Dew,您知道,这本食谱并不唯一的荣誉。“The relationship between MTN DEW and our fandom is the most exciting partnership, and we’ve continued to draw inspiration from these amazing people and to try to pay back the love they show us every single day,” Nicole Portwood, the vice president of marketing, said in a press release. “Our fans have been creating delicious, outrageous, and genuinely mind-blowing recipes with MTN DEW for years. In many ways, this is the long-overdue love letter to those beautiful edible creations and the people behind them.”


这些食谱包括MTN Dew煎饼(带有MTN DEW糖浆!),MTN露烤面包机糕点,MTN DEW明胶,Code Red Brisket,Mtn Dew Infused Pickles,Mtn Dew Cranberry Pomegranate Pomegranate fruitcake,Mtn Dew Green dew Green dew绿色鸡蛋和火腿?),这是所有人的最大合作:Cheetos&Mtn Dew Mozzarella叮咬。

MTN露水很友善,可以在新闻材料中包括一些食谱。我们迫不及待想尝试它们并向您报告。((Though I am sad to have to tell you that the DEW is not powerful enough on its own to turn food green; food coloring appears on many of the ingredient lists.) I mean, I don’t know about you, but after the past few months, green pancakes with MTN DEW syrup doesn’t sound that terrible anymore.
