伊莱恩·贝内斯(Elaine Benes)在很多方面都是一个女人。最新的例子:她预言了麦当劳新的早餐菜单项目Muffin Toppers的到来Seinfeld第21年前。对于那些知识渊博的人来说,松饼的顶端是从其柔和的基部脱落的松饼的顶部。或者,正如贝内斯(Benes)所说:“它很松脆;这是爆炸性的;这是松饼摆脱锅并做自己的事情的地方。…那是一个百万美元的想法。”
为了他Seinfeld作家小·费雷斯滕(Spike Feresten Jr.)问:“花了这么长时间?”在此视频发布到TMZ的YouTube频道。“首先,我想直接对麦当劳说:您需要使用口号。如果您要参加松饼上衣剧集,则必须使用我们的口号,这是“松饼的顶部……给您!”
我可以证明松饼上衣的伟大 - 就是糕点。(I mean, I like a good muffin-topped dad bod, too, but that’s a separate article.) My high school served gigantic breakfast muffins in the cafeteria, and I, like my most of my compatriots, found the slightly-crisp, sugar-laden tops superior to the squishy, crumby bottom halves. (Elaine calls them “stumps.”) Luckily, I was friends with a true unicorn: a girl who preferred the inferior bottom muffin half. Her willingness to literally go halvsies on breakfast muffins more than made up for any of her less admirable qualities; if McDonald’s can harness that powerful of a breakfast food, it will surely be a million-dollar idea as Elaine predicted.