麦当劳的柔和服务机是一个笑话,我什至不需要想出关于他们的有趣的话。他们总是被打破或“破碎”成为一个互联网打包袋。麦克弗里斯(McFlurries)是快餐界的独角兽:简单地发现野外的一个使它的味道就像最好的甜点三美元和49美分可以买到。作为食品幽默作家,我一直感谢垒球材料,尤其是关于世界上最大的快餐餐厅长期loooooong英里- 但麦当劳的加盟商对这些破碎的冰淇淋机恶作剧感到厌倦,他们不再接受。
如报道商业内幕, earlier this month at the annual National Owners Association meeting for McDonald’s franchisees, Tyler Gamble, a franchisee and leader of the chain’s National Supply Leadership Council (NSLC) equipment team announced the creation of a brand-spankin’-new McFlurry task force, and you know that when someone forms a task force, shit has officially gotten real.
“I will not feel that my tenure as your equipment lead has been a success unless we find a way to ensure that McDonald’s is no longer the butt of the joke, even with their own social media team,” said Gamble who, if successful, will more than likely end up on the short list for the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
麦当劳在一份声明中说:“ [麦当劳]仍然致力于提供我们客户期望的餐厅体验,其中包括能够从我们的甜点菜单中购买他们享受的甜食。”特别工作组和致力于提供客户期望的餐厅体验?我不认识你们,但我充满乐观,我衷心希望这个问题能够及时解决三叶草摇季的季节。几年来,我已经无法得到一个,而且对被圣帕特里克节的时代主义者排除在外。