如果您是琼斯四分之一磅下一个星期二,您可能想坚持自己的渴望,直到第二天,以免您越过一条纠察队。美联社报告一些麦当劳的工人投票决定在9月18日中午开始进行为期一天的罢工,“希望迫使管理层迫使管理层采取更强大的措施,以反对在职的性骚扰。”罢工将影响10个城市的多家(但不是全部)餐厅:芝加哥;北卡罗来纳州达勒姆;密苏里州堪萨斯城;洛杉矶;迈阿密;密尔沃基;新奥尔良;佛罗里达州奥兰多;旧金山; and St. Louis.
以前的麦当劳罢工专注于工人的每小时更好的工资。This latest effort has been bolstered by “‘women’s committees’ formed by employees at dozens of McDonald’s restaurants across the U.S. Lead organizers include several women who filed complaints with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in May alleging pervasive harassment at some of McDonald’s franchise restaurants.” McDonald’s has responded to the strike announcement by defending its current policies, and saying it is investigating having outside consultants coming in to perform further sexual harassment training.
这些员工说,麦当劳目前对性骚扰的政策无效。They are pushing for more training to help prevent sexual harassment in the workplace, improved procedures for reporting sexual harassment violations, and a national committee to address such harassment, “comprised of workers, representatives from corporate and franchise stores, and leaders of national women’s groups.”