

来自芝加哥罗杰斯公园J.B. Alberto的可爱的意大利辣香肠比萨饼
来自芝加哥罗杰斯公园J.B. Alberto的可爱的意大利辣香肠比萨饼
照片艾米·莱维特(Aimee Levitt)

今天早上,这给我们带来任何欢乐188betios下载分享即将到来的新闻意大利辣香肠- 让我告诉你,那是不是我们中的任何人都希望在星期一开始。我一直在竭尽全力减少周末的新闻摄入量,这使我有一个战斗的机会,可以通过裸露的拳头摧毁我的笔记本电脑。今天,经过两天的电视新闻关闭,我被让我进行了情感处理火龙卷风, 这mypillow家伙,以及穿裤子之前的无意大利辣妹的未来。

不过,我每天都在搜索银色衬里。I haven’t had much luck with the fire tornadoes yet, and I already know that trying to find anything positive related to the MyPillow guy is an exercise in futility, but while mulling over the national pepperoni crisis, I realized that this is an opportunity for another tasty topping to step up, save pizza night, and be the kind of hero we so desperately need. Personally, I am throwing my support behind mushrooms, which are healthy, delicious, and, as far as I know, not threatened by either coronavirus or fire tornadoes. What topping do you think is bound to become America’s sweetheart? Italian sausage? Olives? ...菠萝