读完劳伦·柯林斯(Lauren Collins)的作品后,法国作家莱拉·斯利马尼(Leila Slimani纽约人- ”征服了法国的杀手招小说” - 我立即预订了本月初发行的这本书的英文翻译。完美的保姆打开线更让人联想到陌生人:“婴儿已经死了。”桌子上震惊,小说的其余部分向后发挥了作用,以解释恐怖是如何产生的。这是心理,令人不安的,我在短短几天内就读了它。[凯特·伯诺特(Kate Bernot)这是给出的
我看到了pHantom线程主要基于A.A.道德的可爱评论,我很遗憾地说,我不喜欢他。老实说,我在音乐盒剧院被包围的众多观众在混乱的沉默中坐了一会儿。也许我需要再次看到它。也就是说,看着(喜欢衣服)仍然很着迷,但听可能会更好。I had heard about Jonny Greenwood’s score before going into the movie, but I was still unprepared for how it seemed to encompass every scene, as a vibrant, almost jazz-esque classical musical line that heightened every one of the many emotional moments in the movie. Now I can’t stop listening to it, as it seems to score my day—transforming my regular life into a teal-shaded, misty one, albeit with much better costuming. [Gwen Ihnat这是给出的