“什么是'酷食'?什么是“同性恋食物”?是美食吗?一种感觉?运动?酷儿吃在哪里,谁在哪里?”这些是编辑在食品和葡萄酒本月作为该杂志可爱的一部分酷儿作为食物收藏。它以诗188asia金宝博官网歌,散文和访谈为特色,在食品和娱乐行业中,每个人都具有独特的照明和启示。2020年6月是1969年石墙起义后首次骄傲庆祝活动的50周年,这是调查玛丽·弗朗西斯(Mary-Frances Heck)所描述的“与社区本身一样大而多样化”的酷儿食品景观的理想时刻。
它是这里你可以学习秋葵项目,它使用货币捐赠来支付黑人跨厨师,在有需要的黑人跨性别者的家中烹饪免费餐。((For those experiencing homelessness, the food is cooked and delivered to community spaces.) The deliciousness and nutrition of the food are important aspects of The Okra Project’s mission, but so is the familiarity of the dishes: the ability to nourish a community with culturally specific foods that connect Black Trans people with a cherished culinary tradition. To be fed a warm meal by someone who cares about you is already meaningful; if you can make it taste like home, all the better.