错误的!你应该抛弃整个东西。因为这种令人沮丧的视频技术内幕揭示了,没有任何发霉的面包是安全的。那是因为“霉菌是一种真菌。像蘑菇一样,它具有大量的根源,称为菌丝 - 在可见表面下方扩散。因此,整块面包用霉菌。“天啊。Then because mold is made from spores that fly around, it’s likely that the rest of the loaf is infected as well, and some of that mold can be pretty unhealthy to take in. I’m just not going to think about all the times I’ve just cut out the mold from my bread, or grabbed a different piece from the same loaf. Anyway, at least now you and I know better. [Gwen Ihnat.]