
我们生命中留下的少数人之一是咖啡 - 饮料我们发现有必要消耗每日 - 有一些健康益处。当然,它可能会在我们的胃衬里慢慢挖洞,但它也与肝硬化或肝癌,心血管疾病和阿尔茨海默氏症的风险较低。


因为没有金牌可以留下来,加利福尼亚州的一群人现在想在我们心爱的最喜欢的饮料上拍打警告标签。商业内幕报告that The Council For Education And Research On Toxics has filed a lawsuit that would penalize companies that “don’t warn customers that coffee contains acrylamide, a chemical that California lists as one ‘known to cause cancer.’” Although some studies have shown that putting acrylamide in drinking water can give rats and mice cancer, “the doses they consumed in those studies are 1,000 to 100,000 times the amount people get through their diet.”
