沿着任何超市的小吃过道行走,您会被无尽的土豆所吸引芯片s. On a recent afternoon, I spotted at least ten, many of which自豪地将“水壶煮熟”或“水壶风格”视为更健康的选择。毫无意义地,我伸手去拿一袋蜂蜜dijon水壶薯条,以获得我购买过的每个袋子中不可抗拒的紧缩和充分的味道。
即使我从未访问过它塞勒姆,俄勒冈州的设施,我一直对水壶品牌有亲戚关系proximity is a source of local pride. Plus, it always makes for a great selection at the supermarket. Little did I know that Kettle ChipS’exposure reaches farbeyond the Pacific Northwest. In the US, it’sknown as Kettle Brand, but in Europe, they’re called Kettle Chips, and in the UK, simply Kettle. With slightly different flavors but similar bold and colorful packaging, Kettle has reached a vast network of consumersAround the world, people谁和我一样热爱它的紧缩。
How does Kettle manage to win the hearts and minds of so many people with its potato筹码?什么是什么美味的紧缩? How did the brandpave the way for others跟随?要找出答案,我们必须及时回到1970年代后期在天然食品成为我们生活中无处不在的一部分之前,美国。
这year was 1978, and Cameron Healy wantedto bring people delicious food that was also对他们有好处。但是他没有从水壶薯条开始。相反,他卖了烤坚果和奶酪在货车的后面到天然食品商店。
How Kettle Chips are made
与众不同它的邻居在架子上,例如放置’S或荷叶边,Kettle Chips are not创建相等。这是因为它们的烹饪方式 - 一种称为批处理烹饪的过程。而其他companies use a连续炒过程,这涉及将芯片穿过一桶热油,然后将其连续干燥在传送带中,批量烹饪涉及冲洗这土豆在冷水中切片释放淀粉,搅拌他们在充满油的水壶,然后烹饪在低温下(大约300°Fahrenheit);这芯片s are continuously raked由员工防止他们粘在一起。顾名思义,这是在批处理中完成的。
当每批冷土豆进入增值税时,油的温度下降。因为空气中的空气fryer cools down after each batch of chips, the result is a crunchier chip shaped differently than its neighbors in the same bag but all beautiful and golden in color.
水壶芯片不是唯一使用这种方法的公司。鳕鱼角薯片,另一家水壶芯片公司,cooks its筹码以类似的方式。自水壶以来变得流行了,其他公司遵循了水壶 -cooked phenomenon. These days, Walm艺术,躺着S,夏威夷人和Vickie小姐都有自己的水壶芯片版本 - 完美的夏季烧烤或深夜小吃。
How Kettle Chips differentiates itself
在设施内部,该植物使用一种特殊类型的土豆,称为Russet Burbank土豆,或者他们称为“high sugar potato。” The potatoes are cooked with safflower oil, chosen because of its neutral taste. In keeping with the zero-waste approach, the oil gets重复进来公司车辆作为替代燃料来源。在屋顶,有600多个太阳能电池板可以在减少二氧化碳排放的同时产生更多的功率。公司购买风能积分自2006年以来这样做。
在美国两个水壶英国水壶拥有创新的内部厨师带有新口味。因此,您可能每年几次在当地商店看到新的风味。这是这种不断的创新和对手工烹饪的承诺这使产品成为such a welcome addition to many家庭S零食柜, including mine。
Kettle Chips Around the World
我t’s worth noting that Kettle Brand (US), Kettle (UK),And Kettle Chips (Europe) are part of different conglomerates. In America, Kettle is owned by Campbell’S,加入鳕鱼角薯片的行列。自2019年以来,在欧洲和英国,该品牌已由消费品巨头Valeo Foods集团拥有。
在英国,水壶是第三个largest sharing snack brand. As of 2017, it吹牛A9%的市场份额,每天售出25万袋,even more出口到23个国家。
在英国和欧洲的购买方式和消费中很明显,P简单爱薯片。在2018年,咸味小吃(例如薯条)for170亿欧元促销, with Netherlands and Spain accounting for a good majority this consumption, eating more than the 4 kg (8 lbs.) per capita on average.
想象一下每年吃八磅薯条。那是很多筹码。but then again, when it comes to the crunch of a水壶煮熟芯片,很容易看到您如何使其超越该阈值。