我没看过老虎国王自3月首次亮相以来,Netflix纪录片一直是全国无聊的隔离器的储蓄优雅。But much like those who are disinterested in the Star Wars franchise (extremely me) or the Harry Potter universe (extremely not me), I’ve absorbed the broad strokes of this off-the-wall true crime story by osmosis, understanding that heretofore unknown vocabulary terms like “Carole Baskin” tend to elicit a most passionate response. For all the secondhand knowledge I’ve gained about this series, though, I’m nevertheless at a loss to understand most of the words in this local New Jersey pizzeria’s Facebook post about their new老虎国王- 他是比萨,面团异国情调(我确实得到双关语):
描述结束时的澄清非常感谢。这是一个方形派,上面有熏火腿,伏特加酱,马苏里拉奶酪和香脂蜂蜜。听起来不错!除非是乔·异国情调的闪闪发光的现象,否则老虎披萨披萨即使在没有Netflix订阅的情况下,也可能是全年的抽签。它看起来很整洁。与此同时,将一只虎皮条纹的派变成了一张斑点,也许过于雄心勃勃,我认为我不必熟悉该系列才能考虑这种糟糕的味道。但是,如果卡罗尔·巴斯金(Carole Baskin)确实试图阻止他们做到这一点(一个可疑的主张;她不住在佛罗里达州吗?),那是您无法购买的宣传。