

幸运的是,在最新一轮的食物召回中,情况非常温和。今年早些时要求伤亡,并且有许多沙门氏菌病例绑在蜂蜜smack上,最新的自愿召回绑在乳清粉只是预防措施。因此,卡夫·海因兹(Kraft Heinz)最近从杂货货架上吸引了塔科·贝尔(Taco Bell)Queso蘸酱,尽管到目前为止,但这是预防性的:CNN报告了这一点美国食品药品监督管理局周二表示:“估计有7,000例炸玉米饼贝尔萨萨酱Queso轻度奶酪蘸酱正在被召回,因为有一些可能导致肉毒杆菌的产品分离的迹象。”CNN指出,肉毒杆菌主义是一种罕见的威胁生命的食物中毒形式。

If you have some of the queso dip at home, you’ll want to specifically get rid of any 15-ounce glass jars with “best when used by” dates between December 27, 2018, and January 23, 2019. “Kraft Heinz recommends that buyers not eat the product, even if it does not appear spoiled,” so sorry, queso lovers: Just throw that jar away. Or return it to the store for a refund; you can also call Kraft Heinz at 1-800-310-3704 with any health or refund questions.