Jake Paul is the kind of person who could only exist in 2021. He’d have perished immediately during the Gold Rush, and if he was somehow whisked back in time to the Paleolithic period, he’d immediately get his face smashed in after glaring at a patriarch named Oog. But Jake Paul thrives in 2021, making his living as a “YouTuber, internet personality, actor, rapper, and professional boxer,” per hisWikipedia页面。保罗最初是在Vine上名声,这是一些视频制作应用程序,有人认为是Tiktok的先驱。然后,他在迪士尼频道系列赛上表演了两个赛季据称被解雇了。从那以后,他发展了很大的对不良行为的偏爱包括但不仅限于:
- 生产超出性YouTube内容
- 吐出种族称呼
- 据称以“指导”的名义骗了年轻的追随者
- 称Covid为骗局
- 乘坐机动车辆穿过受保护的波多黎各海滩
- 通常是公众的滋扰
那家伙很烂。但是,根据博彩聚合商的新闻稿,他显然与麦当劳合作制作下一份特别版的名人餐的赔率最强。us-bookies.com。该网站被描述为“美国第一个全面的博彩网站门户”,开发了“为赌徒提供博彩情报的目的。”与BTS麦当劳的餐今天放弃,该网站分析了其他潜在的麦当劳合作者,发现保罗的511赔率使他成为目前的最爱。在该网站的排名中,他紧随其后的是他同样可怕的兄弟洛根·保罗(Logan Paul),后者以某种方式与Mindy Kaling并列,两者都以6-1的赔率并列。
“Following the buzz surrounding the upcoming BTS meal and the Travis Scott one prior, the speculation isn’t just about if McDonald’s will do this promotion again, but who the celebrity will be, and it’s no surprise that the Paul brothers are the top picks given their massive following,” says a US-Bookies spokesperson.
排名中的其余名人是非常随机的,包括阿丽亚娜·格兰德(Ariana Grande),前NFL接球手查德·奥乔康科(Chad Ochocinco),金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)和唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump),在榜单的最低点,赔率为100-1。我不知道为什么或如何选择这些人。无论如何,您都可以看到us-bookies.com网站上的完整列表,如果您喜欢这种事情。