Short of using a double-walled metal bowl or something hyper-insulated, if you add your hot soup to a lukewarm or room-temperature bowl, the bowl’s material is going to absorb a lot of that liquid’s heat as the two reach equilibrium, easily 40-50 degrees Fahrenheit sapped immediately from your soup. And lukewarm ramen is不是理想的。
您可以通过预热碗来减轻这种情况。In ramen shops, they’ll often take some of the boiling water from the noodle cooker and pour it into the bowl temporarily to heat things, but at home, I just set my oven to the lowest setting it has, in this case 170 degrees Fahrenheit, and preheat my serving bowls in there. By the time the oven reaches 170, the bowls are hot (almost too hot), and I turn off the oven.
一旦您的Mise En Place准备就绪,就该开始烹饪了。我喜欢从面条开始,因为它们可以在组装中占据最长的时间。随着水的快速沸腾,加入面条,然后设置计时器并让它们煮熟,使水尽可能多地沸腾以促进烹饪。给他们快速搅拌,以确保他们在计时器进行后不会立即粘在一起。值得注意的是,面条在完成它们所需的时间方面可能会有所不同。寻找有关时间安排的制造商建议,或者偶尔品尝巧妙的建议。