我们都知道我们自己的烹饪和饮食习惯已经改变over the past year in light of a situation we never thought we’d find ourselves in. And as much as our own patterns have been altered, the businesses that feed us have had to make adjustments to weather the storm, too—we know the word “pivot” has been used ad nauseam in this context, but that actually makes it sound more seamless and effortless for these businesses to pull off than it really was. For both large chains and independently owned restaurants, it involved hard work, quick and clever thinking, appeals to the community, and of course, some measure of luck.国家餐厅新闻已经编制了该行业在不可预见的大流行期间继续运行的解决方案的幻灯片,其中一些趋势值得在这里强调。
早在2020年5月,厨师和餐厅老板一直菲利普·福斯(Phillip Foss)预测,“餐馆可能不仅会成为'提供食物的地方。'它们将成为分销渠道。”这个预测似乎是准确的。NRN笔记一旦餐馆无法在餐厅接待客人,他们就开始销售杂货,纸张和餐具包来满足他们在社区中看到的需求。((甚至地铁也参与其中。)这是餐馆在没有晚餐的情况下卸载多余库存的好方法,但也是与其他当地企业合作的自然机会。即使在室内用餐恢复到满载之后,我们也会看到餐厅继续这些合作伙伴关系。
这个国家在2020年疯狂地养鸡翅膀,出于多种原因 - 但是,一个巨大的好处比其他食物具有相对于其他送货选择的方式。当交货和外卖成为大多数餐厅的主要重点时,菜单产品被重新制作(或从头开始),并考虑到交货。解释NRN, “Some [businesses], like Panera Bread, even revamped new menu items inspired by a new need for durable deliverables, like the bakery chain’s flatbread pizzas, that were rolled out in October 2020 with a thicker crust so that they will stay crispy even after they’ve traveled to a customer’s house.” And it’s a matter of packaging, too: as we saw with肯德基的新鸡肉三明治,供热袋也可以防止食物在过境中变冷。
这NRNlist contains a lot more trends, such as increased use of AI in restaurant kitchens and more “family pack” style menu offerings, but suffice it to say that 2020 established a new normal, and for restaurants, it’ll probably be one that lasts beyond the pandemic.对于完整列表,请前往这里。