Well, hey, when it was already next to impossible to get an appointment to see a doctor, even before the rise of a worldwide pandemic and widespread unemployment that translates to loss of benefits including insurance, you can’t really blame people for hoping that there’s some cheap and readily available cure-all for every possible ailment already lurking in their kitchen cabinets. A likely candidate for this magical substance is apple cider vinegar, which is said to induce weight loss, cure inflammation (which is, in itself, a catchall term for all sorts of bad things), slow down aging, and maybe make your hair really shiny.
答案,布莱恩·科尔博士写作在外部,是\ _(ツ)_/
更具体地说,“ ACV含有B复合维生素,确实有抗炎作用在身体里。但是,在醋消耗的背景下,尚未研究这些维生素的抗炎特性。这就是人们对ACV提出的大多数主张的问题 - 他们尚未得到一种或另一种方式证明。”
ACV能够减少慢性病,促进更好的消化并调节胰岛素和血糖的能力也是如此。(并且可能治愈了慢性咳嗽,这是邻居发誓会在几个冬天为我做的事情。但是,我的医生用可待因将我与泰诺钩在一起,所以我用了。)但是!有两项小型研究,一项在2005年,另一个在2018年,这似乎表明,一顿饭后,几汤匙的ACV促进了适度的体重减轻 - 但是,只有几磅,没有阿黛尔级的戏剧性。