工作饮料是supposed to be a fun and easy tool用于建立友情并提高士气,以及一个公司凉爽和放松的标志。这就是为什么繁荣的办公室聚会,下班的快乐时光,甚至办公室内啤酒推车,水龙头和鸡翅are a fixture in many industries—especially those characterized by long hours or hard labor, likeconstruction,,,,金融,,,,and tech。
A fewsurveys近年来的进行,至少有十分之一的工作功能中的十分之一的人认为,在这类活动中,他们最终做出了令人尴尬的事情,甚至对自己或他人有害的事情。硅谷内部人士和作者将工作从网络中取出(2018)卡伦·威克(Karen Wickre)告诉188betios下载在过度饮料之后,她看到了很多(通常)在科技公司中的年轻人“在团队聚会上昏倒,或者同样糟糕的是,这一切都散布了。
If you don’t drink then in theory work events centered on alcohol should be a breeze: You just go to them and, well, don’t drink. Usually when people offer you alcohol at events, saysDalhousie University Persusance使用专家Niki Kiepek,他们只是想变得友善和慷慨,所以没有提出任何问题,这是一个有礼貌的“不,谢谢”就足以解决此事。
Most folks know there are any number of reasons people might not be drinking in general or for one night, notes Wickre, and will accept that. “It would take a real asshole to argue” over your choice, she adds.
但罗伊·科恩(Roy Cohen),,,,a career coach and the author ofThe Wall Street Professional’s Survival Guide(2010) who doesn’t drink because he doesn’t like the taste of alcohol, points out that some folks can get a little uncomfortable or combative around people who don’t imbibe. They often take that individual’s choice as an indictment of their own drinking—a sign of sanctimony and distance.
Usually you can mitigate any potential coworker discomfort, and the risk of subsequent career blowback, by clearly framing your choice not to drink as a personal decision, says Cohen, and not buzzkill condescension. But if you’re really worried about judgment (or being perceived as judgmental yourself), Kiepek recommends falling back on one of several widely socially accepted, or even valued, explanations for one’s choice not to drink.
“If you are driving, it is highly respectable to not be drinking,” Kiepek explains. “Or if you have family responsibilities, such as picking up the kids [after a happy hour]. Perhaps you run in the mornings… Exercise is another reason that is viewed as commendable.”
A true excuse is best, if you feel you must make one.但是,如果您认为可能有必要保护您的选择和未来的工作前景,那么白色的谎言是可以的。如果您真的想平滑任何其他潜在的不适,可能会对您的不喝酒感到不适,offer to buy them a round or to act as a designated driver对于那些参与的人(如果可以的话);即使这种类型的app亵和伪造绝不应该是必要的,但it will certainly always be appreciated.
根据去年发布的一项研究12%的人only假装to drink at work events, by ordering dressed-up non-alcoholic beverages.
“I often order a cranberry juice and sparkling water,” says Wickre. “It looks like a cocktail.”
This is easy to do if you are at an event where you order or mix your own drinks. But even if you are at a happy hour where your co-workers are taking turns ordering each other drinks, you can just与酒保说话步行后不久,请确保他们在每回合中为您提供非酒精饮料。大多数人会很乐意提供帮助。
与之交谈的专家188betios下载all agreed on one thing above all: Those who really don’t trust themselves around, or are just uncomfortable with, alcohol or heavy drinking, should just skip work events that involve booze. It’s reasonable to worry about how doing so might affect your work life, but your overall health and well-being is more important. However, skipping out on work events that involve drinking is more common than you might think;超过五分之一的受访者in one survey from last year admitted to doing so. At the very least, you can skip certain events, such asinformal happy hours,,,,and表现出象征性for about 30 minutes at vital or functionally mandatory meet-ups.
如果您担心错过的网络机会,Daisuki教练的Berk Celebisoy建议与您试图在饮酒活动中建立联系的人接触,并说:“前一天晚上我不能参加聚会,但我真的很想赶上您。那我们明天出去喝咖啡呢?”
While drinkers don’t face the same judgment risks as non-drinkers, they often still have a hard time figuring out how to navigate unwrittenrules about how much to consume at work events. Whilethere is general consensus在办公室聚会或下班后喝酒比在客户会议或工作餐点上,公司偶尔会让这个规范更容易接受。和一些工作场所接受甚至荣耀喝酒直到您浪费在某些事件中,而其他人会嘲笑一个在任何地方都会放松一点的工人。
“There is no right or wrong” when it comes to deciding when and how much to drink, Celebisoy argues, “There are only consequences.” So you can choose which norms to follow and when, or which of the各种各样的guidesfloatingaroundonline to heed, based on knowledge of your tolerance level.
If you have trouble sticking to your limits, Celebisoy says it may be wisest to just avoid drinking altogether. That means adopting a consistent excuse for why you don’t want to drink some nights, but aren’t giving up drinking in total, so that you aren’t always scrambling for a new line, and you can avoid tricky questions if colleagues spot you drinking at non-work events. Or it means adopting the same tactics that full-time non-drinkers use.
Encourage culture change
Unfortunately, none of this advice will eliminate all the anxiety and uncertainty around work drinks for everyone, in part because, while we can manage our own drinking, we can’t control our colleagues’ choices.
十多年来,我们进行了充分的研究来证明大多数妇女一直都知道的:酗酒的工作活动通常会从令人毛骨悚然和不专业的言论到完全的性侵犯。这是为什么超过一半的妇女回应的很大一部分2018年进行的一项调查said they never drink at work events; it’s a choice that limits their personal risk.
Or, as Celebisoy puts it, “Stick to your guns.”