
现在,戈登·拉姆齐(Gordon Ramsay)穿着十几岁的女儿的衣服跳舞

标题为“现在”的图片,戈登·拉姆齐(Gordon Ramsay)穿着十几岁的女儿的衣服跳舞
照片丹尼尔·祖奇尼克(Daniel Zuchnik)((盖蒂图像

我的大儿子正式成为迎接几天的少年,我在过去的八个星期内与他在一起,试图证明我仍然“ hip”和“ with It”,这无济于事。我什至下载了tiktok,向他展示了我有“ od turnt”需要什么(认为我正确使用了吗?),但他仍然没有留下深刻的印象。同时,名人厨师戈登·拉姆齐(Gordon Ramsay)他十几岁的女儿玛蒂尔达(Matilda)对蒂克托克(Tiktok)进行了“翻转开关”挑战,我的儿子宣称这是“小伙子”。但是,当我问他是否想和我一起制作一个开关视频时,他说我很“畏缩”,而Tiktok现在正式适合老年人。

If you are a tragically uncool thirtysomething who isn’t familiar with the Flip the Switch challenge, here’s how you do it: Grab a friend, begin filming a video where you’re dancing to the intro of the Drake song “Nonstop,” and then when Drake comes in with the opening lyric, “Look, I just flipped the switch,” you and your associate turn off the lights, change clothes, assume each others’ positions, and flip the lights back on to continue dancing. It’s kinda like the Harlem Shake challenge, but doesn’t involve getting your head trapped in your son’s favorite hoodie while he screams “MOM I TOLD YOU I’M NOT MAKING A STUPID VIDEO WITH YOU” before you trip over the cat and end up taking out everything on the living room table.


现在,请享受戈登·拉姆齐(Gordon Ramsay)的打扮,就像一个18岁的女孩:
