当然,今年是不同的。该市场仍在周日开放,但它没有占领酒吧和餐馆的封锁街道,而是接管了大约四个街区的砾石停车场。一个站在前面的女人用远程温度计将每个人的温度带入温度,然后她一次让我们进入,一次只有几个人。The stands are still set up like before (and the meat and egg guy hasn’t deserted us), but instead of browsing and asking the vendors what’s good, I tell them my name and they give me a pre-packed bag or box that contains whatever I ordered online two days ago. Sometimes I forget in the interim exactly what I ordered, so it’s like getting a nice present from myself. The dog doesn’t get any crumbs, so the admiration feels hollow to him and he can’t wait to leave.