您可以记住斯图尔塔,佛罗里达州作为当地居民之间正在进行的争斗的网站职业职位闻。现在,斯图尔特也扮演了一个嘲笑的嘲笑,导致了许多逮捕,并保证了浪费的闪光新闻报道。In the same way one might expect a royal to demean his peasantry at a Burger King, or a red-haired woman to cause a scene inside a Wendy’s, a quintet of gentlemen were arrested by Stuart police after a fight broke out inside a Five Guys Burgers & Fries.
NBC 6南佛罗里达州报告称,一群男性,在四到六年之间,被捕,并在该地点被逮捕。该事件仍在调查中;就像这种撰写一样,战斗的原因仍然是未知的。And for as much as we hate to see a fray of fellows in any public location, we’re glad that these dudes didn’t cause any lasting damage, at least not compared to the forthcoming wordplay as a result of where it all went down.