如果您在早餐中徘徊,您将付款。这是本周在旧金山的费尔蒙特酒店制定的政策,这要归功于年度J.P. Morgan Healthcare会议,该会议目前正在弥补酒店的公共区域。
这旧金山编年史报告that anyone wishing to grab breakfast in the hotel’s Laurel Court Restaurant and Bar now through January 16 (when the conference ends) must spend a minimum of $50 on food, and anyone who stays longer than 90 minutes at their table will be charged $30 for each extra hour they remain in their seats. This is another form of “congestive pricing” that you might see an airline enact during peak travel times, explains the head of the San Francisco Travel Association. Costs of hotel rooms often go up during peak seasons, too, but the restaurant’s minimum spending requirements and dilly-dallying penalties definitely came as an unwelcome surprise to some diners this week.
鉴于典型的餐厅访问的时间,大多数食客可能会避免$ 30的费用,因此他们可以应对50美元的要求。在这一点上,编年史最好的说:“劳雷尔球场的价格从酪乳煎饼的22美元到牛排和鸡蛋,价格为28美元,新鲜味的橙汁(每杯10美元)不难达到最低奖励最低50美元的价格。”