蒂姆·卡曼(Tim Carman)华盛顿邮报决定进一步研究这个断言,他的发现很有趣。
To Chang, the child of immigrants, the segregation of Asian and Latino food in one separate area of the supermarket that’s labeled as “ethnic” is just another reminder that he’s “other” and “different” and not a “real” American—even though Americans of all ethnicities love tacos and ramen as much as they love pasta.
“民族食品过道中的所有食物都已被接受。那为什么我们甚至拥有它们呢?”张问。他补充说,过道是“ 1950年代美国,这不是一个特别好的地方,尤其是在亚洲人的情况下。”
Goya Foods高级副总裁约瑟夫·佩雷斯(Joseph Perez)证实了张的怀疑:当戈雅(Goya)首次开始扩展酒店时,他告诉卡曼(Carman),卡尔曼(Carman),大多数白色社区的超市将库存其产品,该产品旨在为拉丁裔客户提供。他说:“他们不希望客户在商店里。”
卡曼(Carman)试图与一些较大的杂货连锁店取得联系,以获取零售的视角,但发言人要么拒绝发表评论,要么拒绝回电话。But consultants and spokespeople from smaller chains said they discovered that it’s more profitable for both the groceries and the manufacturers to stock Mexican or Asian food in their own sections: customers (especially customers who may not be used to cooking that kind of food) can grab what they need without looking all over the store.
It’s an interesting conundrum: supermarkets are still essentially operating under a system that was developed in the 1950s, although both America and its supermarkets are far more diverse than they were back then, and “ethnic” foods have expanded beyond a few shelves to entire aisles.